Monday, June 23, 2008

West Side Y'all (California)

In San Diego we stayed with Justin’s family in a nice place. Had a BBQ which hit the spot and then went to see the Pacific. Justin and Joe went in but I has holding out for a more magical time to do so. Proceeded to downtown San Diego and checked out the Gaslamp Quarter. This place was a good time, especially for a Tuesday night. Came back, hit the sack, and in the morning went to breakfast on the beach at a really good restaurant. Played some Wii Mario Kart while our laundry dried and then hit the road for L.A.

Got to Los Angeles around dinnertime and met up with Justin’s friend Meggie. Ate dinner and hung out at a place called Busby’s. Don’t really know where it was in relation to anything cool but it was a good time. Felt like a short night, and waking up on the futon with Justin at 7 am was painful. Good time in L.A. though and wish we could have spent more time there.

Drove around 8 hours up the Pacific Coast Highway which was beautiful. Stopped by Pebble Beach to check out the golf course which was also beautiful. I bet the waiting list and the price to play there is insane. Got to Santa Cruz and ate and met up with Joe’s friend Janet. After deliberating whether to camp on the beach or in a state forest, we decided instead to have no plan and wandered around town. Santa Cruz is an interesting place. By interesting, I mean it is a town full of characters. Around 2 in the morning I decided the timing was right to take a dip in the Pacific, and found it to be freezing but after a few minutes I was numb and having a ball. Scouted out crappy, rundown motels and decided to go with the National 9 Motel which was hilarious in every regard. No mirror, caddy-corner beds, and a TV held to the ceiling with bungie-cords and belts. It was awesome.

Stopped at Janet’s uncle’s near San Jose to drop off some stuff and then made the drive to San Francisco. This was my second trip to SF and just like last time, I was sad when it was time to leave. The hostel was nice and it was great to finally get a shower again. Justin, like always, led us on an adventure that led us through the shopping district(?), Chinatown, and eventually to Fisherman’s Wharf. Some of those climbs up the steep streets were reminiscent of the Smokies and Zion. Hit up some touristy establishments, and eventually Justin and I got separated from Joe and Janet. Ended up at a real cool place in North Beach called the Bus Stop and then somehow Justin was gone too. I eventually took a cab back to the hostel and called it a night. But not before reuniting with everyone, spilling stuff everywhere, and eating Justin’s food. Great night!

Next day we checked out some sights in SF, and the highlight was a still-hungover Janet throwing up on the Golden Gate Bridge. Classy, and classic. Walked back to get the car through a very bad area where we saw some sights of an entirely different nature! Got to the car and made our way to Yosemite.

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