Monday, June 23, 2008

Vegas - An Emotional Rollercoaster

This place was nuts. To make a long story short, we waited in line for an hour to check in, lost a lot of money on roulette, won it all back, hit the strip, lost a ridiculous amount of money on roulette, won it all back, then won a ridiculous amount of money on roulette. You get the picture. By the end of night 1, Justin and Joe were up, and I had just about broken even.

Day 2 was similar. Except I lost some money and got a massage. Had a goofy dance party in the hotel room and then went to get some dinner, where Justin was not impressed with the service (and he let them know it). More ups and downs with roulette. Let’s just say I came out of Vegas with a lighter wallet then I arrived with. And the worst part is, I don’t think I learned any lessons from it! I had a blast here despite struggling in the casino and it was definitely a lot of fun losing!

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