Friday, June 20, 2008

Utah: Buckskin Gulch

Let me start off by saying this place was in the middle of NOWHERE in Utah. There was a small, unmarked road off the highway which led to the campsite. 14 miles on that took about 35 minutes because it was so rough. The area looked straight out of the movie The Hills Have Eyes, which I had just watched the day before on my iPod, so naturally I was freaked. As I put it at the time, in terms of being scared, I was at about a 4 out of 10 on the scared meter. We finally got to the campsite, which was devoid of life. Once the sun started going down, the temperature dropped rapidly and I also decided to be a man and stop being nervous. Made some food and a fire and went to bed pretty early. That night was FREEZING. The morning was even colder. Justin and I woke up right before sunrise to watch the sun come up over the hills. It was so cold that we ended up watching it from inside his car. Not going to lie, I think the two of us had a moment. Until Joe came out of the tent with his asscrack hanging out (100th time of the trip we saw this) and ruined it.

There were a bunch of wild cows walking around the campsite and every time they would MOO we would all crack up. Headed over to the Wire Pass trail which would lead us to Buckskin Gulch, which is a slot canyon. There was some French guy who barely spoke English trying to "help" us but he really just confused us about the need for permits, the right way to go, etc. I guess I should add that the only map we had was the one that Justin claimed was "inside his head". So we ended up going the wrong way and after about 15 minutes, the crazy French guy shows up again and tells us "WRONG WAY"... and we turned around. Finally found the right way and got to Buckskin Gulch. This was the most ridiculous thing I will probably ever see in my life. There were points where the sun wasn't visible and other points where the canyon walls were barely wide enough to fit your shoulders through. I can't possibly describe what we saw in words, so check out the pictures on Justin's blog (link on the side) for that.

Coolest place I think I have ever been to.

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