Monday, July 14, 2008


I drove the final miles across PA back to Justin's house. It was strange realizing that everything was coming to an end. I was pretty tired and feeling drowsy and everyone was quiet for the most part. Had a nice Fourth of July meal at Justin's house with his family and watched some of the Phillies game. It was so strange being home. Justin took us back to my house to get my stuff and see my Mom. I missed my family a lot so it was nice to see her. Said goodbye to Justin and figured I would never see him again...until a few days later back in Newark, where we would resume our hijinx and shenanigans. Drove back to Newark with Joe and hit the Circle. Some friends were over at my house and they welcomed back Joe and I and it was great to see them. Ended up going to some party instead of sleeping, and wound up in an inground pool at a college house. Weird.

It has been a little over a week since I have gotten home and I am just now starting to get back to normal. It was difficult adjusting back to being home at first but now I am ready for a fun summer before finishing up college in the fall. I have never had so much fun in my life and being able to share so many memories with two close friends is something that I know I am lucky to have. I saw so many parts of the country and have a much greater appreciation for the USA and how vast it is. Very grateful to Justin for planning this whole thing out and inviting me along. Also it wouldn't have been the same without Joey Boy, who was a never-ending source of amusement, laughs, and fun. Whether it was eating jambalaya and wandering all over Bourbon Street in New Orleans, being scared of mutants in the middle of nowhere in Utah, climbing mountains and canyons, being covered with mosquitoes and blisters in Wyoming, or dancing the night away at bars in Anytown, USA, I will take all the good times we had with me into the future and wherever this life leads me.

I hope everyone enjoyed keeping up with my blog and I thank you for reading. One of these days I will get around to posting the pictures. Final thought I will end with: this trip was filled with a lot of crazy experiences and fun times, but through all of the major happenings there were smaller moments that can only be described as surreal. I will never forget filtering and drinking water from springs atop canyons and mountains. After exerting yourself for hours to reach the top and then cooling off with spring water may be the best feeling in the world. I advise anyone who has the opportunity to take a trip and discover moments of your own.

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